ALL Furniture Services, LLC started servicing Hoffman Floor & Home as well as their customers for floor and furniture repair needs.
AFS was selected and requested to service Henredon Furniture and their customers for furniture repair, restoration needs in East Coast
DirectBuy of Nassau and Manhattan Requestd AFS to join them in servicing their customers that require warranty and out of warranty repairs, restorations, customer work as well as disassembling and assembling of oversize & Partical furniture.
All Furniture Services, LLC started servicing BoConcept urban design furniture company and their customers for furniture repair, disassembly/assembly, touch up, etc.
From July 2007 All furniture Services, LLC was joined Robert Allen / Beacon Hill for serviceing furniture customers service needs, repairs, custom work, restoration, disassembly-assembly as well as upholstery work.
May 24, 2007 NYC. “All Furniture Services LLC” was voted best in America’s #1 Online Guide and an Award was given by “In The Spotlight” for wining in category of All Furniture Repair and Disassembling services.
From September 2007 All Furniture Services, LLC was invited to work as a subcontracter for Bellini furniture in repair, touch-up, restoration, refinishing as well as assembly of the baby and teen furniture.
All Furniture Services registered service center and agent for Guardsman and Valspar in New York and New Jersey Metropolitan areas. All Furniture Services services Guardsman customers on daily basis.
AFS Began Project of Furniture Repair, Restoration, Touch up, color matching and veneering work in over 80 rooms of Hotel Giraffe.
Dear All Furniture Services – “Best of Citysearch” Winner, CONGRATULATIONS! Citysearch users have voted you the Best in your City! Your business has been voted a winner in our annual “Best of Citysearch” guide, wich highlights the very best that your city has to offer each year. “Best of Citysearch” combines our editors’ favorites with the results from a three-week-long audience poll in cities across the country. BEST OF CITYYSEARCH Recognition for All Furniture Repair & Disassembling Services 2006 Audience Winner – Home Repair Specialty ratings for All Furniture Repair & Disassembling Services:10.0Home Repair http://newyork.citysearch.com/profile/41733710
All Furniture Services started servicing Haystack Home & Body Customers for furniture repair services, restorations, disassembly , assembly, cleaning as well as custom work.
AFS was choosen to service ABC Carpet and Home Customer for their service Needs.
All Furniture Repair, Restoration and Disassembly Services now provides professional services and claims handling for comprehensive warranty to manufacturers, insurance companies, moving companies, construction companies, vendors, stores, hotels, hospitals, restaurants as well as individual customers in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Chicago and Los Angeles metropolitan areas.
All Furniture Services started servicing Thomasville of Farmingdale and their customers for repairs, restorations, touch-ups, parts installation as well as disassembly and assembly.
All Furniture Services began customizing furniture and repairing news room upholstered furniture of UNIVISION TV Chanel Studio. All Furniture Services began customizing furniture and repairing news room upholstered furniture of UNIVISION TV Chanel Studio.